Affirmation of Faith

In His divine wisdom our Lord has entrusted to us who are His church both the privilege to believe the whole counsel of God and the inseparable responsibility to practice it. Before he left this earth our Lord said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20). To that end, we hereby gladly affirm our belief in the historic Reformed Christian faith given in the Scriptures, commit ourselves to live faithfully by the Scriptures, and consequently to reject all that is contrary to the Word of God. This is necessary for us especially because we live in times when churches and people are uncertain of their faith, some of whom are departing from the faith. We vow together to promote this faith joyfully in our world, and, if need be, to suffer persecution rather than deny the truths of the affirmations herein contained.




1. That the foundation for all that the church believes and teaches both in faith and practice is the

infallible and inerrant Word of God, the Scriptures.

2. That the Scriptures possess absolute authority and that the Ecumenical Creeds and the Three

Forms of Unity, our confessions, possess authority subordinate to the Scriptures in our churches.

3. That the Holy Spirit will lead, guide, and direct His church always in accord with the Word of God,

the Scriptures, never contrary to the Scriptures. John 17:17; Matthew 4:4; 5:17-20;

2 Timothy 3:14-17; Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119:105; Belgic Confession Articles 2, 3, 5, 7, 29


1. To preach and teach the Word of God as our fundamental duty, to make, nurture, and equip

disciples of Jesus Christ, and to obey the Great Commission joyfully.

2. To live according to the Word of God in all of life; in the context of our interpersonal relationships,

our families, our daily callings and tasks in the marketplace, and our schools.

3. To worship only in accord with the commands and principles of the Word of God.

4. To submit to the final authority of the Word of God instead of the rules and regulations of those

who “ascribe more power and authority” unto themselves “than to the Word of God”

(Belgic Confession Article 29).


1. “With all our hearts whatsoever does not agree with this infallible rule” (Belgic Confession Art. 7).

2. The error of those who teach that the Holy Spirit leads, guides, and directs His church contrary to

the Word of God, or that He provides new divine revelation in addition to the Word of God.

3. The efforts of all who set aside or muffle the full impact of God’s Word in the name of evangelism,

because this effort invalidates the church’s total witness to the world and makes obedience to the

Great Commission impossible.



1. That the Scripture is the very Word of God written. Since God does not lie nor does He make

mistakes, His Word cannot contain error. Therefore, Scripture is inerrant. “Scripture in its whole

extent and in all parts is the infallible and inerrant Word of God” (Acts of Synod 1979, p. 127).

2. That Scripture’s primary subject is the glory of God, a central demonstration of which is the

message of redemption. Since the Scripture’s authority, however, extends to all that it actually

teaches, all of Scripture’s subject matter is God’s Word and always true. When Scripture speaks

concerning matters of history, science, ethics, or anything else, it is true and authoritative, and it

governs our thinking in these areas.

3. That the infallibility of Scripture necessarily implies the inerrancy of Scripture. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17;

2 Peter 1:20, 21; Mark 13:31; Titus 1:1-3; Hebrews 6:16-20; Revelation 22:18, 19;

Belgic Confession Articles 3, 7; Acts of Synod 1979, pp. 127-128.


1. To teach diligently and defend faithfully the Word of God as infallible and inerrant, and to reject all

errors that militate against this doctrine.

2. To believe and teach all that the Word of God teaches, but especially the primary message of

Scripture that there is redemption for us from sin only through Jesus Christ.


1. The error of those who teach that the Scripture is not itself in its entirety the Word of God, but

becomes the Word of God, or contains the Word of God.

2. The error of those who teach that because of the secondary or human factor in the Scripture’s

authorship there are errors, contradictions, or discrepancies in the Word of God.

3. The error of those who teach that Scripture’s authority only extends to matters of salvation, but not

to the Scripture’s references to matters of history, science, ethics, or anything else.

4. The error of those who teach that we need not study God’s World as well as God’s Word in

matters of history, science, ethics, or other areas of general revelation, or who claim that Scripture

provides a complete description of such areas.



1. That the book of Genesis was written by Moses under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and in, all

its parts is an accurate, historical presentation.

2. That Genesis 1 teaches that God created everything out of nothing and that He created it good.

3. That God created the first man, Adam, from the dust of the ground and the first woman, Eve, from

that man. The first man was a unique creation of God, not descending from any previously

existing creature. All human beings are descended from these first parents.

4. That at creation each creature evolved from one form of life (Genesis 1, 1 Corinthians 15:39).

Genesis 1-11; Hebrews 1:2, 10; Hebrews 11:3; Mark 10:6; Luke 24:27
Belgic Confession Articles 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23
Acts of Synod 1982, pp. 107-108; Acts of Synod 1991, p 767


1. To understand and teach the Book of Genesis, not only as an accurate account of the beginning of

the world, but also as the foundation for many of the Reformed, Christian doctrines so precious to

and important for the church.

2. To respect the uniqueness of human beings as the only image-bearers of God.


1. The error of those who teach that the beginning chapters of Genesis are not the inerrant record of

historical factual events of the beginning of the world, but are myth or only a literary device

designed to teach religious truth.

2. The error of those who teach that Adam was not a historical figure, and the error of those who

teach that Adam was not the first human being, that he descended from “evolutionary forebears of

the human race” (Acts of Synod 1991, p. 767), or that he was not a direct creation of God.




1. That the redemptive work of Jesus Christ was unique and He remains the only basis of salvation.

2. That we are right with God only by grace through faith alone.

Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:5; John 14:6; 2 Timothy 1:8-12; Hebrews 10:11-14; Romans 5:1, 2, 9-11; 8:1-4; Ephesians 2:1-10
Belgic Confession Articles 20, 21, 22, 23, 26


1. To take this gospel of Christ to our world as the only answer to mankind’s sin, rebellion, and

separation from God.


1. The error of those who teach that there may be salvation apart from participation in the covenant

of grace mediated by Jesus Christ, for this is a subversion of the gospel.

2. The error of those who teach that salvation is in part the work of those who are saved.



1. That the church is the universal body of Christ. The basis of its unity is not a denominational

name, ethnicity, or similarity of background, but solely the Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and

the doctrines which the Word teaches.

2. That God’s people are accountable to one another, both on the local level and whenever possible

on a wider basis.

3. That each church must seek ecclesiastical fellowship and union with other churches who faithfully

adhere to the Word of God, but only with such bodies.

4. That, though the local church comes primarily under the authority of the local elders, the rulers of

each church are also accountable to other elders who live, and rule in accord with God’s Word.

Ephesians 2:11-22; 4:1-16; Acts 15; 1 Corinthians 5-6:11; 11:17-34; 12:12-31;
Belgic Confession Articles 27, 28, 29


1. To demonstrate openly in our world that we are part of the body of Christ by a pure and holy

lifestyle, by our words and deeds, by being and sending missionaries of the gospel, and by

seeking unity with believers everywhere who faithfully adhere to God’s Word.

2. To submit ourselves to one another out of reverence to Christ and before His Word, and to hold

one another accountable to that Word for our lives, actions, teaching, and ministries.

3. To seek, where possible, visible meaningful fellowship and union with all who believe and faithfully

adhere to the Word of God.

4. To pray for the unity of the church and its faithfulness to the Word of God everywhere.

5. To call churches to repentance which do not adhere faithfully to God’s Word, and sever

relationships with churches which do not repent after repeated admonitions, lest by our silence we

share in condoning their sin.


1. The error of those who teach that there is no accountability for the church beyond the local


2. The error of those who teach that we should not seek visible meaningful fellowship and union with

those who believe and adhere faithfully to the Word of God, and who are therefore content to

remain by themselves.



1. That the activities performed in the worship of the church and the content of these activities must

be prescribed by the Word of God and must be done for the glory of God.

Exodus 20:4; Deuteronomy 5:8-10; Leviticus 10:1-7; 1 Samuel 15:22, 23; John 4: 23, 24
Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 96; Belgic Confession Article 32


1. To promote in worship only that which brings glory to God and that which He has commanded in

His Word.


1. The error of those who confuse worship with entertainment, who substitute man-centered

activities for God-centered worship, who neglect law or gospel to remove the offense of the Word,

who preach or teach “self-esteem” or self-improvement as alternatives to the Word, or who

“worship Him in any other way than He has commanded in His Word”

(Heidelberg Catechism, Answer 96).



1. That men and women equally bear the image of God and are to serve Him with all their gifts

according to His specific callings to them.

2. That from creation men were given authority and ultimate leadership in the family and in the


3. That Christ, as He makes clear in His Word, does not call women to the authoritative offices in the

church, and therefore the church may not ordain them to these offices.

4. That the purpose of the spiritual gifts given to men and women in Christ is not self-fulfillment but

service to others, to the end that God receives all the glory.

1 Timothy 2 & 3; Titus 1; 1 Corinthians 14
Belgic Confession Articles 30, 31
Acts of Synod 1994, pp. 505-508. 513-516


1. To develop and use the gifts and abilities of all of God’s people – men, women, and our youth in

accord with the Word of God and for the good of God’s kingdom and people.

2. To preserve the holiness, quality, and authority of the offices of the church in accord with the

Word of God.


1. The error of those who teach that permitting women to be ordained as office bearers in the church

is a position which honors Scriptures as the infallible Word of God.

2. The error of those who deny these offices to women for reasons which are contrary to the

Scriptures, such as bigotry, male-chauvinism, or tradition.




1. That it is the fundamental duty of God’s people to strive to make and nurture disciples for Jesus

Christ in joyful adherence to the Great Commission.

2. That the task of fulfilling the Great Commission can only be done effectively in our community and

world if we stand firmly on the teachings of the Scripture, and if all of God’s people, not simply a

select few, actually are engaged in being Christ’s witnesses.

3. That faithfulness in fulfilling this Great Commission is not dependent on marketing methods or

techniques which minimize Biblical standards for worship and evangelism.

Matthew 10:32, 33; 28:16-20; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26; 2 Timothy 2:12; 1 Peter 2:1-12; 3:15;
Acts 1:8

Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 54


1. To fulfill this Great Commission by repenting of our failure to be Christ’s witnesses adequately in

the past and by making His Commission a priority for the life of the church and its members.

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2. To fulfill this Great Commission by training and equipping ourselves and others to accomplish this

mandate better.

3. To pray fervently and compassionately for our lost world and neighbors.

4. To employ those methods, and only those methods, for outreach which conform to the Scripture.


1. The error of those who teach that missions is not properly the concern of the church or its


2, The error of those who teach that by trusting in or using marketing methods and techniques which

minimize or undermine Biblical standards for worship or evangelism they are being faithful in

fulfilling the Great Commission.

3. The error of those who seek to attract people to Christ merely through entertainment and proceed

to teach them only concepts which are designed not to offend non-Christians.



1. That Jesus Christ is the Lord of all life, not simply of a particular aspect of the Christian’s life.

2. That every part of our hearts and lives much be brought into conformity to the Word of the Lord of


3. That no part of life is spiritually neutral, but that Christ is the covenant Head and Lord of every

endeavor of the Christian: education, business, labor, family, recreation, political activity, social

activity, and so forth.

4. That the Christian life begins with Christ’s gift of regeneration, that we embrace this life by

repentance and faith as our response to the gospel, that this repentance and faith will characterize

the Christian throughout his life, and that we are unable to submit every part of our lives to Christ

unless they continue to be present.

Ephesians 1:15-23; 4:1-6; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; 10:31; Matthew 5; 6:10; John 3:1-21
Belgic Confession Article 29.


1. To acknowledge Christ’s exalted position as Lord and to humble ourselves before Him by obeying

His Word in every aspect of daily life.

2. To honor Christ as Lord, and covenant head, and King by educating our children (wherever

possible) from a specifically Christian perspective; by living as families and individuals, as

husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, men and women, children and young adults in

obedience to God’s Word; and by using our gifts and abilities to fulfill our callings in society – all to

the glory of God.

3. To live a holy lifestyle in accordance with God’s Word.

4. To proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ to our churches and world as our Savior from ongoing sin, and

as our only help who enables us to submit to His lordship.


1. The error of those who teach that some vocations or parts of life are holier than others, or that

some vocations or parts of life are not subject to the claims of Jesus Christ.

2. The error of those who teach and live as if the Christian faith does not or should not control what

we do in daily life.

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3. The error of those who teach that kingdom living can exist where there is no regeneration, or no

personal holiness.



1. That homosexual desires and actions are a result of the fall and are sinful.

2. That those who are guilty of these desires and actions or who argue their legitimacy must, like all

sinners, be clearly called to repentance and faith.

3. That the church acts contrary to love for God and its neighbor when it declares morally good or

neutral anything which God has declared sinful.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26, 27; Genesis 19


1. To provide loving support, patient encouragement, and care for those struggling against

homosexual temptations, and to encourage them to seek forgiveness and grace to overcome

these temptations.

2. To disallow ecclesiastical office to those who practice or advocate homosexuality as a legitimate

lifestyle, and to those who deny that “homosexualism – as explicit homosexual practice – must be

condemned as incompatible with obedience to the will of God as revealed in Holy Scripture”

(Acts of Synod 1973, p. 52).

3. To discipline those who deny that the Bible condemns homosexual activity.


1. The error of those who teach that people do not have to repent of homosexual desires or actions

because these actions and desires are not sinful, or because such actions and desires are morally


2. The error of those who would ordain to ecclesiastical office those who practice or advocate

homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle.

3. The error of those who would have no compassion for the homosexual offender who is genuinely




1. That God alone has the sole right and authority to tell us how He ought to be addressed by His


2. That members of the Trinity receive masculine reference in the Scriptures, not as a result of a

cultural bias of a previous age, but because this is how God chooses to reveal and characterize


Matthew 6:9; Luke 1:34, 35; John 4:23, 24; Matthew 3:16-17


1. To uphold the full revelation of God, and to seek to understand carefully all that He has revealed

about Himself in the Scriptures including His character, His attributes, and His names.

2. To be mindful, honoring, and respectful of the way God has characterized Himself in His Word in

our prayers, writings, speech, teaching, preaching, and educational material.


1. The error of those who teach that the Scriptures or Confessions should be changed to reflect

gender neutral titles in their references to God.

2. The error of those who teach that it is acceptable to substitute the term “goddess” for God

“Mother” for Father in the Lord’s Prayer, or to call Christ a sister, and all such similar terms which

are unbiblical.



1. That God’s gift to us of human life is so precious in God’s sight that He is the only one who may

decide when human life shall end.

2. That the unborn children from conception is a human being in the image of God.

3. That intentional abortion as we see it practiced today is a grievous sin.

Psalm 139:13; Jeremiah 1:5; Exodus 20:13
Acts of Synod 1972, pp.63-64; Acts of Synod 1976, p. 64


1. To teach and exemplify the goodness of sexual relations only within marriage.

2. To honor and protect all human life from conception on.

3. To provide support services for pregnant women who find it difficult to keep their children in order

and encourage them to choos e a live birth.

4. To support all moral efforts to protect the life of the unborn in our land and throughout the world.


1. The error of those who teach that the unborn child is not, or may be less than a human being.

2. The error of those who teach that abortion is not the taking of the life of a human person.

By these statements may believers more readily discern truth from error, be instructed in the Word, witness effectively to our world, defend against error, and become instruments in preserving and promoting the true unity of Christ’s church in accord with the Word of God.